Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Here are some links to news sites.  Read or watch a video on an event that is happening now.  Is there any link to what we are learning in World History?  Was there anything that was just interesting?  Do you have any comments on anything you read or saw? Does the portrayal of the event depend on which news site you are on?  Why? 
Do you have any links to an interesting political cartoon, video, or article that you saw?  Post it!



Al Jazeera

Wall Street Journal


Videos to view when you have the time

Feel free to suggest videos that are appropriate to what we are studying.  Here are some interesting links to look at as we progress in the year:

Cold War Video- "Duck and Cover" Civil Defense Propaganda

An interesting take on American conflicts- "Food Fight"

Russian Revolution- "Peace, Land and Bread"

French Revolution- The French Revolution to Lady Gaga

Movie List

As a history teacher, I get that history is not the favored subject by many of my students.  Here's a list of various movies that will help put topics that we have discussed/will discuss in class into perspective.  Maybe it will help you apply academic ideas to real world ideas, or maybe you will just make the connection between your favorite movie and certain historical ideas.  If you have any suggestions to add to the list, please feel free to add them and tell me why you think it should be added.  When you watch one of the suggestions, write a 1- page, typed reaction (at least a 1/2 page summary, 1/2 page reaction) and turn it into me.  Remember you should include why this movie relates to what we are learning. It must be an honest reaction that comes from you.  I will know if you take someone else's ideas.  If you watch a film with an "R" rating, your reaction must be signed by your guardian, so that I know they are alright with you watching it.  It would be neat if you watched the film with  your parent/guardian.  These suggestions are meant to be conversation starters.  Have a conversation with someone in your household- you'd be surprised by what they have to say. 

This is an extra credit assignment, and it is NOT MANDATORY for any student in my World History class to do this assignment.

World History
French Revolution
- Les Miserable
- Cry Freedom
- Gandhi
- Hotel Rwanda
World War I
- War Horse
- Gallipoli
Russian Revolution
- Dr. Zhivago (this one is long, but its good for true film buffs)
World War II
- Saving Private Ryan®
- Flags of Our Fathers ®
- Letters from Iwo Jima®
- Defiance®
- Casablanca (for film buffs)
- Judgement at Nuremberg
- The Pianist®
Cold War
- Argo®
- Hunt for Red October
- Munich®
- Motorcycle Diaries®
Post-Cold War Issues
-Slumdog Millionaire®
- The Kingdom®
- Clear and Present Danger
- Blood Diamond®
- Black Hawk Down®